Looking for a keynote speaker for your event that will disarmingly engage your people while leaving them inspired to take action? Let’s talk.
I can certainly help.
Some Of My Most Requested Topics:
Innovate: How to Lead Cultural Innovation
Drama: How to Overcome the 4 Pillars of Drama in any Team
Navigating Team Dynamics
Engage: Setting Each Generation Up For Success On Your Team
Upgrade: Raising Your Relational Intelligence
Stone Walls & Glass Ceilings: How To Position Yourself For Breakthrough
The Truth About You: How To Leverage Your Strengths And Forget The Rest
The Biblical Guide to Napoleon Hill’s All-Time Bestseller Think & Grow Rich
Needing a workshop speaker for your conference or staff training who can teach leadership best practices in a way that is scalable and culturally transferable?
I’d be honored to help meet that need
Cultural Innovation: How To Have A New Start From An Old Beginning
The Anatomy Of Apprenticeship: Learning To Give Away What You’ve Been Given
The Pipeline: How To Recognize And Develop Your Most Desired Hires Inside Your Own Organization
Wired With Desire: How To Discover Your Personal Design & Assignment
The Hard Work of Rest: How To Create Breathing Room And Margins In Your Life & Business
“God’s provision meets you where you step, not where you stand.”
Nervous to bring in a guest speaker to your ministry because of the mess you may have to clean up afterwards? Let me serve you in a way that brings you peace of mind while moving your mission forward.
Looking for a communication coach?
I was the kid who hid in the boys’ room and didn’t want to come out since it was time for my oral book report in Mrs. Merz’s third grade class! I was petrified to speak in front of people!
I know why people fear public speaking more than death. Please don’t let your life message stay buried or silenced!
Little did I know that a major joy in my life would become circling the globe speaking to thousands. Or that I would love becoming a Public Speaking Professor at the College I graduated from!
Now I have the distinct privilege of helping to teach desiring communicators as well as seasoned speakers better craft their messages and hone their delivery.
Click here if I can serve you as a communication coach.
I offer a two-and- a-half day intensive public speaking seminar for organizations and churches as well as a one-on- one training, evaluation and coaching programs.
I’ll teach you:
8 Secrets To Shaping Messages That Capture Attention & Inspire Action
How To Prepare Life-Changing Messages Without Living In Panic Mode
3 Stages of Message Creation Every Communicator Must Master
3 Keys To Dynamic Communication That I Wish Someone Taught Me Earlier
How You Can Teach Aspiring Speakers To Communicate Their Life-Message In a Biblically Accurate Way
The Secret To Creating A Speaking Calendar That Is Actually Creative, Sustainable And Enjoyable
Let me help you get your life message delivered in a way
that is memorable and transformational. Your audience, clients and future tribe are waiting for you to step out into new levels of courageous competence!
Here's what others are saying about me...
“As a seasoned communicator with a brilliant ability to engage a diverse audience spanning many religious expressions, Joshua Finley is a sought after voice for public speaking and preaching engagements. He possesses wisdom well beyond his years and his character is anchored in balanced conviction and integrity. I’ve been privileged to witness the cultivating and maturing of the gifts in Josh and I am proudly cheering him on as his leadership journey continues.”
Lead Pastor, The Father’s House
Rochester, NY
“Joshua Finley is a ministerial prodigy. He is incredibly gifted as a communicator. His leadership and wisdom are way beyond his years. I have found him as a man worthy of my trust and confidence.”
President Emeritus of Elim Bible Institute & College
Founding Pastor of Elim Gospel Church
Founder of B.A.S.I.C. College Ministries
“Josh Finley’s sincere desire to genuinely connect with people creates a compelling gravitational pull- whether he’s in front of a thousand people on a stage or sitting down one on one. His desire to empower others to live the life they were created for is easily evidenced in his probing questions and sincere enthusiasm for those he encounters.
Josh is a master storyteller - drawing compelling pictures from simple everyday situations we all relate to. He’s a loyal friend, honest advisor, and a fierce advocate. He dreams big, works hard, and demonstrates grit in the face of challenges.”
Director of Ugandan Water Project