4 Leadership Questions You Want to Ask in a Crisis
Image credit: Brandi Redd, unsplash.com
In tense times, the last thing we think we want is more questions.
Everyone wants answers.
However, the fastest way to wise answers is to ask challenging questions.
“Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers.” -Voltaire
#1 What do we need to PRESERVE?
Image credit: Jason Dent
In times of change, there will always be things that must be protected at all costs.
Your mission is not optional; it is imperative.
Your values are not a luxury; they are a necessity.
There are certain changes that should be off the table even in times of pressurized change.
What are those areas for you?
What hill are you willing to die on?
What changes are never OK, regardless of the opposition you are facing?
“Having your back against the wall is the perfect opportunity to see what you truly stand for.” -Joshua Finley
It’s different for every person, business and non-profit.
Yet, answering that question helps remind everyone, not just what you DO but who you ARE.
Some decisions refine activity others remind you of your identity.
#2 What do we need to PRUNE?
Image credit: francescolejones.com
We live in a culture obsessed with MORE.
“More” is practically synonymous with BETTER.
But deep down in our gut, we know that many times “less is really more”.
Rarely do we ever look forward to pruning, even with the promise of future fruitfulness.
“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.”
-Jesus in John 15 (emphasis added)
One of the “gifts” of hard times is that decisions that would have been extremely difficult before are slightly easier now.
In trying times things often become more clear.
Changes you should’ve made before a crisis are now more obvious.
They almost present themselves to you.
The decision isn’t easy; it’s just more clear.
#3 Where do we need to PIVOT?
Image credit: startupistanbul.com
“Your history informs you, but it’s vision that should direct you.” -Doug Parks
A pivot is a change in thought or direction.
Sometimes we hold on too tightly to previous ideas, seasons or relationships.
In His mercy, Jesus tried to get Lot’s wife to leave behind her previous home in Sodom & Gomorrah. Somehow her body moved forward but her soul was stuck looking backwards.
Jesus preached a whole sermon with spine-tingling accuracy when He said, “Consider Lot’s wife.”
We call it nostalgia, but nostalgia come sometimes be rooted in fantasy more than reality.
What is holding you back from getting past your past?
What is tethering you to your previous season more than your preferred future?
What habit, practice, person or mindset is the Holy Spirit prompting you to pivot away from?
“Sometimes we have to say ‘goodbye’ to what God was doing in our lives to be able to say ‘hello’ to the new thing He is about to do. Good-byes can be good.” -Joshua Finley
Not all pivots are extreme.
Some are nuanced.
Some are dramatic.
In your life, business or ministry try asking these 3 Pivoting Questions:
What needs a facelift?
What needs an overhaul?
What needs a funeral?
“Marry the mission, date the method.” -Andy Stanley
All of these decisions require healthy discernment.
In the Old Testament is it said that Solomon had incredible wisdom. The word “wisdom” in that Hebrew mentioning actually means a “listening heart”.
If we will quite our hearts and listen God will speak and guide.
“Discernment is not knowing the difference between right and wrong; it is knowing the difference between right and almost right.”
-Charles Spurgeon
#4 Where do we need to PIONEER?
Image credit: Getty Images
“In times of change, learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.” -Eric Hoffer
Every crisis brings with it built-in opportunities.
When we live from heaven towards earth, with a Kingdom mindset, we believe that there are solutions to EVERY SINGLE PROBLEM this world creates.
“When I believe there is a solution, I will set my heart to find one.” -Joshua Finley
In this season of change, is there anything you could start?
With disruption being the current status quo, is there an experiment you could try that would cost you less than if everything were steady and “normal”?
“Why institute a change when you could conduct an experiment?” -Larry Osbourne
What’s new is almost always resisted by what’s known.
“Cultural pioneers have the faith to dream BIG, the discernment to plan EARLY, and the courage to start SMALL.” -Joshua Finley
Pioneering requires courage.
Leading change requires tremendous heart.
It also requires good information.
“In God we trust, all others must bring data.” -NASA
The facts can be your friend.
Friend, don’t run from the new reality we are all facing.
Take heart, the painful questions you are having to ask and the difficult choices you are needing to navigate will position you well for this next season.
How we EXIT one season determines how we ENTER another season.
Never lose sight of the people are waiting on the other side of your courageous obedience.
Never lose heart because you are never alone in this season of transition.
Which of the 4 Questions most applies to your current reality?
Which of the 4 is the one that is your most natural “go-to” or most readily avoided?
When was another time in your life you had to face and answer these questions?
Who is the mentor, advisor, or confidant you can process these questions with? When was the last time you thanked them for being that in your life?