Personal Highlights From My Upcoming Book: OVERCOME.
Image credit: Kendyll Pfeifer, @kendyllpife, @mustardseedcreations
I’m old school.
I like to mark up my books and transform them into a sacred library of creative thoughts, musings and journal entries in the margins.
I once heard T.D. Jakes say that a book isn’t one of his own until it has a little jam or coffee stains on the pages. It’s these marks that remind him of his personal journey and up-close interaction with the content.
I do like the convenience of audio books.
Getting great content while you drive or exercise is a great use of time.
I’ll actually will be releasing an audible version of OVERCOME later this summer.
However, I just really love marking up my books and being able to go back and capture key thoughts that grabbed me along the way.
Leading up to the public launch of OVERCOME on June 1, let me give you a head start on some of the highlights of each section. I’ll share with you some of my favorite quotes and ideas.
If you haven’t heard of or don’t follow Havilah Cunnington, Founder of Truth to Table and author of Stronger than the Struggle, I think you should check her out.
She’s a mom of four boys…that title is an accolade in and of itself! Her husband Ben is a super cool guy and I’m so thankful to know their family.
Her teaching, training and writing ministry is ridiculously powerful!
Havilah is biblical, vulnerable, practical and prophetic.
We’ve only begun to feel the impact of her voice around the world!
I genuinely got teared up reading her foreword to my book. She’s the real deal!
Formulas can be dangerous: what works for one person may not work exactly the same way for another.
Nevertheless, the Bible is true, and there are principles for conquering sin that really work.
“The best part about the Gospel is not just that it is true- it actually transforms us!” -JOSHUA FINLEY
“Temptation is actually a test of relationship more than discipline.” -CHRIS HODGES
Inside of God’s boundaries we are never trapped, only protected.
In the “moment of the maybe” of temptation, it is the GOODNESS of God that keeps us powerful and free from snares.
“Ever decision we make becomes a story we’ll tell.”
“Your emotions are indicators, not dictators.”
Little things (foxes) become BIG things if we don’t take them seriously.
“Look ahead, don’t try to live ahead. Looking ahead produces vision, trying to live ahead creates anxiety.” -JOSHUA FINLEY
The fear of God’s judgment will only keep you for a short time. A love relationship with God will keep you for a lifetime.
“Many of us have up-hill dreams with down-hill habits.” -JOHN MAXWELL
“Recognizing your faults and actually changing your ways are two different things, Charlie Brown.” -LUCY
“The same sun that melts ice hardens clay.”
There are MORAL, THEOLOGICAL, BIOLOGICAL, AND LOGICAL reasons to flee pornography.
“It’s hard to fight what we are called to flee.”
See the excerpt I wrote on this chapter called “Shame is no longer your name.”
“Grace empowers us to do what truth demands.”
“Kingdom accountability calls people UP into their identity not just OUT on their sin.”
Great plans require great preparation.
Through a deep-dive into the the life of Joseph, we talk about developing a character stronger than our hormones.
“Many times when God is developing a leader it looks like He is killing one!” -KEVIN MYER
“The world doesn’t need better leaders. The world needs better people who lead.” -ERWIN MCMANUS
“The testing of your character always comes as a pop-quiz.” -ANDY STANLEY
John 11:44
The dead man (Lazarus) came out, his hands and feet wrapped with strips of linen, and a cloth around his face. Jesus said to them, “Take off the grave clothes and let him go.”
Lazarus needed help to walk out the resurrection life he was given; so do we.
Resurrection power from God is unpacked in restorative community. God’s people help up us unpack and continue to live in God’s power.
“I have to follow Jesus FOR myself but I can’t follow Him BY myself.” -STEVEN FURTICK
“No love is conditional. If love is conditional, than it is some form of manipulation masquerading itself as love.” -DONALD MILLER
The best upgrades in life are the ones you desperately need and someone else pays for.
2 Corinthians 5:17 (NKJV)
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
What does it mean to be a new creation?
I can’t control every thought that ENTERS my mind but I can certainly control how I ENGAGE with those thoughts.
We were born to think like man, we were born again to think like God!
Salvation is both an event and a process.
You are spirit, soul, and body. The salvation of God impacts all three.
Legendary UCLA basketball coach John Wooden said “It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts!”
If we’re going to go from here to the finish line of our life in victory, we’re going to need regular upgrades of our thinking.
Romans 12:2 (NLT)
Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.
“Often our current problem is our current thinking.” -PAUL MARTINELLI
In this chapter we dive into the PRIORITY, ORIGIN, VALUE & APPLICATION of wisdom.
Wisdom from above changes the game on every level!
There is a battle we fight AFTER the battle we WIN. Always.
You can check out the summary of this chapter I blogged about here.